Women of Achievement Awards

Women of Achievement Awards 2011


woman profile

Pictured from left are the 2011 award recipients: Joyce L. Stevos, Joan Countryman, Marcia Coné, Betsy Shimberg (accepting on behalf of Deborah A. Gist), Betty Adler, Carolyn Mark, Gigi DiBello, Nancy Carriuolo, Jodi L. Glass, and O. Rogeriee Thompson. Award recipient Gina M. Raimondo is not in the photo.

YWCA Northern Rhode Island’s 2011 Women of Achievement award winners were honored in Lincoln on Tuesday, September 27 during a YWCA luncheon. Women of Achievement Awards are recognized nationally. They increase awareness and appreciation of the diverse contributions of women.

YWCA 2011 award recipients include Betty Alder, Nancy Carriuolo, Marcia Coné, Joan Countryman, Gigi DiBello, Deborah A. Gist, Jodi L. Glass, Carolyn Mark, Gina M. Raimondo, Joyce L. Stevos, and O. Rogeriee Thompson.

The award selection process included randomly asking Rhode Islander’s who they believe are Rhode Island’s most influential and accomplished women – 100 women were mentioned. All previously recognized YWCA Women of Achievement were then asked to select 10 award winners. The 2011 Women of Achievement are a result of this process.

“These women were selected by their peers as leaders, mentors, and agents of positive change. They have exceptional skills. They are breaking new ground or old barriers. And they are inspiring others,” Deborah L. Perry, YWCA Northern Rhode Island Chief Executive Director, says. “The YWCA mission is to empower women and eliminate racism. These women exemplify our mission.”

Many thanks to our underwriters:

HeatSmart/Northwest Woolen Mills

CVS Caremark

AAA Southern New England
Susan Gershkoff, Counsellor at Law
St. Mary Academy – Bay View

Lincoln School
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
Opportunities Unlimited, Inc.
Sarah Lawrence College
Barbara Sokoloff Associates
Woonsocket Prevention Coalition

Family of Adler
Friend of Adler
The Liz Fund
Rhode Island College
RI Commission on Prejudice and Bias
Sophia Academy
Friends of Stevos
Women’s Fund of Rhode Island

Rhode Island Public Radio
Sarah Doyle Women’s Center

in kind
Park Square Florist, Inc., corsages
Deb Ruggiero, emcee
Swarovski, gifts